We Are A Dedicated Home Care Provider.
Our Care is fully planned around meeting the needs of an individual Service User, and our team members are fully trained and constantly supervised to ensure the delivery of high quality care to our Service Users.
Personal Care

We provider personal care for various daily tasks that you or your loved one may need support with. These might include bathing, showering, applying creams and lotions, dressing and toileting, all in the comfort of your own home. We work around your regular routines and ensure that support is tailored to your unique requirements, with a fully trained Carer offering discreet and professional personal care in the way that’s most comfortable to you.

The personal care that we provide can cover,It can cover, but is not limited to:

Bathing and showering.

Applying lotions and creams as required.

Dressing and getting ready for bed.

Oral hygiene.

Applying make-up, and hair care.

Support with shaving.

Foot care, especially if you are diabetic need to be extra vigilant with your feet.

Helping you to the toilet, including using a commode or bed pan.

Changing continence pads, along with cleaning intimate areas.

Support moving position in bed, to stretch and prevent bed sores.

Changing or maintaining a stoma or catheter bag, or other form of clinical intervention.

To provide the best possible personal care, we design a care plan that recognizes your likes and dislikes, for example the beauty products that you prefer, and which Carer you are most comfortable with. For particular tasks, such as cutting nails, shaving and diabetic foot care, will always be outlined in your support plan with specific instructions for your carer.

All our Carers are fully trained to respect your privacy and to be respectful to your personal boundaries in the provision of personal care. Our Carers are trained to understand the importance enabling your dignity and independence at all times.


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