We Are A Dedicated Home Care Provider.
Our Care is fully planned around meeting the needs of an individual Service User, and our team members are fully trained and constantly supervised to ensure the delivery of high quality care to our Service Users.
Autism And Epilepsy Care For Adults
While some autistic and epileptic adults are able to live relatively average, independent lives with a few special considerations, others may struggle with more limiting challenges and require more care and support. Whatever the case, home care services can help.

The benefits and scope of home care services that we provide will vary, depending on each autistic person and his or her unique needs. Services may include helping the autistic individual complete his or her daily routines, ensuring that the person stays safe, helping to administer medications and assisting the autistic person in mastering new skills etc. More services that include household chores, such as preparing meals, or accompanying the autistic person to community events may be sought. Whatever the case, we carry out a care assessment of the autistic person’s needs and challenges, and we provide a Carer that is knowledgeable and well equipped to deal with the different challenges the autistic person experiences.


Our Carers will be able to get to know the autistic person, including his or her personal behaviors and habits, and support them to work towards greater independence while ensuring effective communication, whether this involves non-verbal cues or other non-traditional methods of communication.


Our autism care service can relieve the stress of caring for a special needs individual, as well as improve the quality of life for those struggling with mild or severe autism. This is especially so, since autistic individuals often seek out predictability and routine, making it important for them to stay in their home environment.

Epilepsy can be different for each person, making the need for care and support vary greatly. Some people with epilepsy do not need any additional care from others to live independent lives, while other people with epilepsy may need a lot of care, some or all of the time. Some people only need care when they have had a seizure. Even if they don’t have seizures very often, the need for care during or after a seizure may be urgent. Seizures can be unpredictable – someone with epilepsy may be unlikely to be able to plan when they will need help.

Our care For Adults with Epilepsy May Include;

    • Keeping them safe during a seizure.
    • Calling for medical help, or giving first aidor emergency medication.
    • Staying with them or seeing them home safely after a seizure.
    • Noting any pattern or trigger to their seizures, which may help if they don’t recall their seizures.
    • Helping with their routine of taking anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs).
    • Going with them to appointments, helping to take notes, or providing descriptions of seizuresto the person with epilepsy and/or their doctor.
    • Acting as a representative or advocate for the person, with their doctors or others involved in their care.
    • Joining in with leisure activitiesthat might pose a safety risk if they were to have a seizure, such as swimming.
    • Providing transport if necessary.
    • Helping them to adapt their home or lifestyle to provide a safe living environment.

Our care for epileptic adults is cognizant of the many required skillsets that carers must possess,  which can involve technical tasks such as dealing with medical equipment; emotional support; being able to adapt if needs change, or working with other professionals involved in the person’s health or care.

We also recognise that these roles may be in addition to other demands including one’s family, other relationships, work, home, financial constraints, social life, their own health, and their hopes and wishes. Our carers are thus well trained and equipped to deal with all these aspects of care for adults with epilepsy.


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